Prehistoric / Historic Colorado Native Americans

Chapter 2: Colorado Native Americans

This week we focused on the Colorado American Indians. We learned about two different eras: Prehistoric and Historic. After looking at the differences and similarities between the two, it is time to apply what you know to some DBQs! Use the sources below to answer the questions provided for you.

Source 1: 
Kivas at Mesa Verde

Source 2: 

Source 3:

Source 4:

1. Using Source 1: Describe what a kiva is and make a connection to what a modern day "kiva" would be in our society today.
2. Using Source 2: It is hypothesized that some of the Fremont Indians joined other tribes. According to location, which tribe did they most likely join and why?
3. Using Sources 2 & 3: If the Utes were still dominating territory today, name one city that would be in their domain.

4. Using Sources 2, 3, & 4: What events from Colorado’s history have occurred to change the maps in sources two and three and make it look like the present day map in source four?



For more information on Mesa Verde National Park, watch this YouTube video at home!