Explorers & Fur Traders

Explorers and Fur Trappers

In Chapter 3 we learned all about the expeditions to early Colorado. We also explored Colorado's first official industry: fur trapping! Use the sources below to help answer the DBQs (document based questions)::

Source 1

Source 2

Source 3

1. Using Source 1: In Source 1, we see a map of New Spain. Which two present day countries does New Spain encompass? You may use a world map to help you.

2. Using Sources 1, 2, & 3: Looking at the different sources, what are the four different cultures that are mainly interacting at this point in Colorado history?

3. Using Source 3: In your opinion, what are three of the most important events on the timeline that have affected Colorado’s history? Defend your reasoning why.

4. Using Sources 2 & 3: Looking at the information about rendezvous and the timeline what Colorado industry was happening? How did this industry affect the people and economy of Colorado?

For more information about the famous explorer, Zebulon Pike, check out this video!

To explore the world of fur trapping, visit this site!